
This blog is a process journal; it will follow the creation of a series of photographs that will be exhibited and hopefully published in 2012. This work is part of the Community-University Research for Recovery Alliance; you can read about this initiative at the CURRA website.

The photographs appearing in this blog are created by scanning large and medium format, black and white negatives. This is to approximate as much as possible the look and feel of the silver gelatine prints that will form this body of work. Not all these images will appear in the final version of the project as much of the work of the photographer involves editing and choosing the images that best suit the ideas to be expressed. By clicking on the individual images you will be able to see a larger version of the image.

The reader will hopefully be able to get a sense of how such a body of work is developed through time as well as gain insight in the decision and editing process that I will use as the work develops. Please feel free to add comments on either fish plants in general or about the blog.

Friday, February 10, 2012


The Commission GEDEON Commission will no longer be using this blog server for its work. Everything has been migrated to the new website at www.gedeoncommission.ca. To see only the posts associated with this blog simply access the "Fish Plants" category on the main page.

Hope to see you there!